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Tuesday 9 August 2016

Parse Migration Guide: As Parse is shutting down

If an app development project uses the Parse backend, it is necessary to plan Parse migration before the service shuts down in January 2017. Thankfully, for Parse developers, the service provider has just released a tool for database migration. This tool allows app developers to migrate their apps seamlessly to a MongoDB database. While the migration is taking place, the Parse API will operate as usual, thereby doing away with any issues related to downtime and hence maintain business continuity.

Furthermore, Parse has also released its open-source Parse Server that allows app developers to run most of the Parse APIs using their own Parse hosting that supports Node.js. Once the data is migrated to its own database, the Parse Server ensures the app runs with changes to the client side code.

Parse Migration

The migration requires two steps. One is migrating the data to MongoDB, which has to be self-hosted. The second is configuring Parse hosting for Parse Server and making sure that the app points to this server.

Data Migration

As stated earlier, for data migration, you need a self-hosted MongoDB. You can use Heroku for this purpose or go with Amazon Web Services (AWS).

AWS offers several features to help you design as well as host MongDB cluster. And, if in the future you decide that you don’t want to use Parse platform, AWS allows you to transition seamlessly to Amazon DynamoDB, which a scalable, fast and no SQL database backend.

Heroku is a cloud-based platform as a service and offers support for numerous programming languages. Although it works differently from AWS, it allows developers to manage their infrastructure environment. Also, it takes away the need for infrastructure administration but allows app developers build as well deploy apps in a number of new ways.

Transferring the Database

This involves transferring the database from Parse-hosted database to self-hosted MongoDB. Once the transfer occurs then the Parse APIs have to be pointed to the new self-hosted MongoDB. The lets the client interact with the MongoDB through the Parse APIs.

Before the MongoDB is set up, it is important to ensure that it meets the Parse database size. It is imperative that the MongoDB is at least 10 times the specifications of the Parse database. Also, set the fail index Key too Long to false since MongoDB does not allow index keys to be bigger than 1024 bytes. If the value is greater than 1024 bytes, you will get an error. Also, remember that the latency between your MongoDB and Parse should not be over 20ms. To reduce latency, it is prudent that the Parse hosting for the Parse Server is in the same geographic region.

The good thing about the Parse migration is that you can attempt it as many times as you want as long as you are using the Parse database migration tool. Once you are happy with the migration and have manually verified everything, you can click on Finalize to complete the transfer in the migration UI. Thereafter, your app will begin using the new MongoDB.

Local Parse Server

You will need to set up a local Parse Server with proper Parse hosting. This server will bridge the communication between the MongoDB and development client. Make sure from the Parse dashboard, in the Security and Keys section of App Setting, you take down the values of the Master Key, File Key, Client Key, JavaScript Key and dotNETKey. These values have to be fed into the server constructor in the index.js. Perform a query to ensure it works properly.

Deployment of Production Parse Server

The open source version of the Parse backend it known as Parse Server. You can deploy it to any infrastructure environment that runs Node.js. The Server does not depend on the hosted Parse backend. Instead, it uses MongoDB independently of the hosted Parse database.

For deployment of the production Parse Server, you require the following:

      Node 4.3
      Heroku or AWS for the infrastructure
      Python 2.x

Once the deployment is done, point the app to the Production Parse Server. Test the app that is pointed to your self-hosted MongoDB using the Parse APIs, which are deployed on your platform. Thereafter, as users of the app to begin using the new app since after January 28, 2017, any call made to the hosted Parse backed will end in a call off.

The Bottom Line

For some app developers, Parse migration will be easy and they will be able to migrate without difficulties. For others, it may become too technical to figure out what to do. Under such circumstances, it is best to get a technical professional who excels in Parse migration using AWS or Heroku. The professional will handle all aspects of the migration, including setting up self-hosted MongoDB, local Parse hosting for the Parse Server and more. By doing this as quickly as possible, the risk of losing your app reduces substantially.