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Friday 27 October 2017

Starting Off With Xamarin Forms

With the Xamarin.Forms API, a solitary UI can take a shot at three distinct platforms: iOS, Android, and Windows Phone - tremendous investment funds in code composing! Wei-Meng Lee gives cases for working Find xamarin Developers Xamarin.Forms, demonstrating the sorts of the route your interfaces can use on the individual platforms.

While Xamarin is a blessing from heaven for developers wanting to fabricate cross-platform applications for the iOS, Android, and Windows Phone platforms, keeping up various UI code is as yet an agony for general developers. In spite of the fact that a huge piece of the application rationale can be composed once and reused for various platforms, developers still have needed to code independently for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone.

Not any longer. In May 2014 Xamarin presented the Xamarin.Forms API, which enables developers to manufacture shared screens for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone. Utilizing the Xamarin.Forms API, you can make a solitary code base for your UI, and Xamarin will consequently make an interpretation of it into the local UI components for every platform that you're focusing on.

In this article, I'll enable you to begin with Xamarin.Forms by making distinctive pages utilizing the different classes accessible in the API.

Making The Project

Dispatch Xamarin Studio and make another arrangement. Select Mobile Apps and after that Blank App (Xamarin.Forms.Portable), and name the undertaking HelloWorld (see Figure 1).

Figure 1

Figure 1 Creating An Undertaking That Uses The Xamarin.Forms Api.

At the point when the undertaking is made, see that it contains three separate tasks, as portrayed in the accompanying table and appeared in Figure 2.




This task contains all the cross-platform shared code and shared UI libraries.


This task contains an Android application.


This task contains an iOS application.

Figure 2

Figure 2 The Different Undertakings In A Xamarin.Forms Arrangement.

Look at the substance of the App.cs record situated in the HelloWorld venture:

utilizing System;

utilizing Xamarin.Forms;

namespace HelloWorld


open class App


open static Page GetMainPage ()


return new ContentPage {

Content = new Label {

Content = "Hi, Forms!",

VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,

HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,






The App class contains a static technique named GetMainPage() that profits an occasion of the Page class. A Page class in Xamarin.Forms fill in as a holder for showing things inside a window (screen). A ContentPage is a solitary unit of the show (consider it a View Controller in iOS and an Activity in Android). In this illustration, the substance of the page (as spoke to utilizing the Content property) just contains one Label control, which shows the subtitle "Hi, Forms!".

How About We Analyze The Mainactivity.Cs Document In The Helloworld.Android Venture:

utilizing System;

utilizing Android.App;

utilizing Android.Content;

utilizing Android.Content.PM;

utilizing Android.Runtime;

utilizing Android.Views;

utilizing Android.Widget;

utilizing Android.OS;

utilizing Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android;

namespace HelloWorld.Android


[Activity (Label = "HelloWorld.Android.Android",

MainLauncher = genuine,

ConfigurationChanges = ConfigChanges.ScreenSize |


open class MainActivity : AndroidActivity


ensured abrogate void OnCreate (Bundle package)


base.OnCreate (package);

Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init (this, package);

SetPage (App.GetMainPage ());




At the point when the movement is stacked, it stacks its substance by calling the GetMainPage() technique for the App class, which restores an occasion of the ContentPage class.

Presently How About We Look At The Appdelegate.Cs Document In The Helloworld.Ios Venture:

utilizing System;

utilizing System.Collections.Generic;

utilizing System.Linq;

utilizing MonoTouch.Foundation;

utilizing MonoTouch.UIKit;

utilizing Xamarin.Forms;

namespace HelloWorld.iOS


[Register ("AppDelegate")]

open halfway class AppDelegate : UIApplicationDelegate


UIWindow window;

open abrogate bool FinishedLaunching (

UIApplication application, NSDictionary choices)


Forms.Init ();

window = new UIWindow (UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);

window.RootViewController =

App.GetMainPage ().CreateViewController ();

window.MakeKeyAndVisible ();

return genuine;




Additionally, for this situation, the AppDelegate class calls the GetMainPage() strategy for the App class to get an occurrence of the ContentPage class. Utilizing the ContentPage class, it calls the CreateViewController strategy to restore an  Find xamarin Developers occurrence of the UIViewController class with the goal that it can be allocated to the RootViewController property of the window.