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Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Launching your Mobile App Startup? 5 Key Tips to Follow

After you read this article you will gain some insights on what to do and what not to do when you launch your first startup or even hire mobile app developers:

Lay Out Your Startup on Business Model Canvas:

This is what business people naturally do, and a unique idea will take more time to be developed into something tangible, viable, something that will have definite value for future users. This canvas is basically a template where the startup owner lays out the product, dividing it into certain phases and fills in the information about the product.

This gives the picture of the product, and how the startup will generally function.
You can figure out your target audience, ways of monetization, and the value of the product, in order to accentuate it during marketing campaigns. Improper planning can make a truly great idea a flop in the end. The canvas will be also one of the useful things to provide your developers with - they will understand the essence of the product they will be building faster and better. Better understood - better done.

Hire mobile app developers who are Skilled:

The advice generally given to startup owners is getting skilled mobile app developers to guide the implementation of the software product. We fully agree here, because any product's success hugely depends on those who create it: a senior developer or a developer with good expertise in the subject area. This also helps avoid making and correcting mistakes. Not that there will be no problems or mistakes - but the most obvious ones, the biggest issues will be excluded. Get the best to do their best.

Be Agile and Create A Minimum Viable Product

Stagnation kills startups. The sooner the product is rolled out on the market, the better. Everything is changing, and you need to go with the flow in a correct way. This means you need to be agile. New platform versions, new APIs, changes in hardware and its capacities, screen resolutions and new design trends, the diversity of devices, let alone the constant changes in the business world - agile development is the way that suits here best.

Building a minimum viable product in the shortest time will allow gathering feedback from users as soon as possible. Surely your product will have further versions - and you can have it ready on time with a good agile team.

Give Your Time To The Team

If you want a great product, you have to be ready to answer a ton of questions that will be asked by your mobile app developers and your project manager. A startup founder always works closely with the team, tracks the progress, knows the latest advances in development. This communication hugely helps improve and push the product further so that you'll receive the product you wanted, and your users will receive a product they'll be glad to use.

Consider Several Developers

Although the budget limitations or any other factors can prompt you to hire one developer to steadily build your product, experience shows that it isn't a great way to start, especially for relatively large projects. Nobody wants to drag time, and the market wants it the least. Averagely larger projects get 3-4 mobile app developers at one, which helps to accelerate the work process and meet the deadlines. Many startups win by this. They roll out the product and gain competitive advantage, if the idea is unique and promising. They also avoid risks of having to change requirements dictated by the mobile market.