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Thursday, 18 February 2016

Top Reasons Why Parse Shutdown is Good News for All of Us?

So the death bell has finally been sounded. The most sought after Mobile Backend as a Service (MBaaS) provider is now slowly receding into history. Facebook, which acquired Parse in 2013 has finally decided to shut it down on January 28th, 2016.  This might seem a bad news for developers at first, but there are a number of positive things associated with this decision.
Parse will completely shut down on January 27th, 2017 and though it did come as a rude shock to its many users, shutting down of Parse is not necessarily the worst thing that has happened. In fact, if a detailed view is taken, this might turn out to be good news too. 

The history

It was one of the best programming languages to come into the scene.

When it did appear on the scene, amidst competition from Microsoft (Azure) and Amazon(AWS), Parse was seen as just another kid off the block. But its appeal lied in its simplicity and they scaled it up pretty quickly. The main reason for its popularity was its total management principle.

It’s easy to use and well documented SDKs, extremely attractive pricing, smart backend portal and its ability to handle everything, right from cloud computing to user authentication, made it very popular amongst developers.
It became the first choice for most organisations, involved in the development of back end apps and services.

How Did it Happen?

Then the rude shock. Not many were happy with announcement Facebook made on the 28th of January. The idea of acquiring Parse was borne out of the fact that the SaaS provider was an ideal platform for developers to create apps which could directly be in competition with Facebook. So closing it down made a good business sense. But even though it does impact the individual developer, Facebook has provided means for everyone to have their data transferred to another SaaS server.

So why is it good news?

Parse, by providing the entire backend life cycle support, would keep the user experience database with itself. With it gone and the entire control now in the developer’s hand, it does make sense that the creator keeps his own user base.

Developers now have a free hand in owning the stack and creating their own work flows. There will be initial expenses, but if one is thinking of scaling things up then it probably is going to be much cheaper.

Moreover, you are out of Facebook’s volatile strategic decision making. Nothing more can be more useful than this.Of course, no one is expecting things will start falling into place right away. Parse has issued an excellent migration guidebook for users to migrate their data to other SaaS. 

To fully overcome this sudden change, users might just have to ramp up operations. Maybe, hire new talent and create back end infrastructure, but the developers community is already up to task and several new alternatives have propped up lately.

The biggest gift

Developers will love the development for a number of reasons. The biggest take away from this is independence. No matter how brilliantly Parse would serve its users, its closing down has given everyone the opportunity to be independent. This will surely create a new wave of ecosystems for technology to grow further.